Recent content by sansei

  1. sansei

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    This is a perfect fit. Can this case be purchased or is it upcycled from something else?
  2. sansei


    I just received an email from the guys for something else. They said there was something going on with the machines and apologized for the delay. If you reached out to them, perhaps give them another bump, I'm sure they are catching up. They are very generous with their communication, but...
  3. sansei


    This is by no means scientific, but the temp/heat discussion really made me curious. I tested an Italian in kotibe and a Swiss in grenadilla, both classic. Both were filled with .04g of the same flower and I waited for a bit of time to allow the unit to cool and start the heat cycle fresh. Unit...
  4. sansei


    Ah, something I can finally use my FLIR on!!
  5. sansei


    Yeah, can't comment on the science of it, if there is any. May just be my perception, but I am definitely get different results across my vapmans using the same setting(s) on the station.
  6. sansei


    It does seem to me the denser heavier woods require a step up in temp to get same results on their less dense counterparts. This goes across Italian/Swiss. It also seems likes this on classic vs. pure. So I agree, each device does have its own nuances!
  7. sansei

    What's in your vape right now?

    L’Orange (Orange Crush x Lemon Burst Phenotype)
  8. sansei

    Brilliant Cut Grinder

    Good to see the de-capper/debowler back in stock!
  9. sansei

    AVB > Cure > Tincture > Feco

    I was boiling down my tincture in mason jars to evaporate the alcohol for feco when both of my jars tipped in the water. Now I have a crockpot full of greenish mess. I reset my pot to 250 to get rid of the water and alcohol. How diluted will my feco be once done? Hoping I didn't just waste a...
  10. sansei

    The WOODEN Vaporizer Thread

    That’s a beautiful shot!
  11. sansei

    The J-hook thread!

    so...tempted... *edit. I have the self control of a kid left alone with cake. @Bologna, thanks for the additional searches (and links) to make this purchase palatable. I blame this years additional acquisitions on the palindrome 42024!
  12. sansei

    NYC Best Vape Spots

    This is perfect. Thanks!
  13. sansei

    NYC Best Vape Spots

    So no discount if you buy =/> ounce worth of eights?
  14. sansei

    What's in your vape right now?

    Kush Mountains. Happy day all!
  15. sansei

    NYC Best Vape Spots

    @NYC_Frank, what is their discount on an oz?
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